#acl +All:read Default = Anotatornia 2 — an annotation tool geared towards historical corpora = License: AGPL v.3 Source code: [[attachment:anotatornia2.zip]] Anotatornia 2 is a tool for morphological annotation of historical corpora. Historical corpora pose a problem not seen in contemporary ones, namely the need to work with texts represented in two parallel forms: transliterated and transcribed. Besides a typical mode of operation where decisions of two annotators are confronted, the tool implements a mode where a single annotator is confronted with a tagger. Anotatornia 2 has been deployed for annotation of three rather different corpora of Polish: a contemporary one, a corpus of 19th century texts, and a corpus of Baroque texts (17th and 18th century). == Annotator’s interface: == {{attachment:anot-cale.png||width=1000}}