This page offers the official GNU General Public License release of Anotatornia, a tool for the manual on-line annotation of corpora at various linguistic levels. The levels currently implemented are: word-level and sentence-level segmentation, morphosyntax, word sense disambiguation. Anotatornia implements sophisticated mechanisms of the management of texts, annotators and conflicts.
Author: Grzegorz Murzynowski <natror AT SPAMFREE o2 DOT pl>
Support: Michał Lenart <michal DOT lenart AT SPAMFREE ipipan DOT waw DOT pl>
License: GPL v.3
In English:
In Polish:
Zasady anotacji syntaktyczno-semantycznej w programie Anotatornia
Krótka instrukcja korzystania z Anotatorni przy anotacji NKJP