#acl +All:read Default = Redistributable subcorpora of the National Corpus of Polish = == Free subcorpus == The free subcorpus of the [[http://nkjp.pl/index.php?page=0&lang=1|National Corpus of Polish]] consists of all its texts that are free from intelectual property constraints. These texts can be distributed without limitations. Contents (thousands of words): ||Book || Książka || 67|| ||Komisja Śledcza (Rywin) || || 2650|| ||Komisja Śledcza (Orlen) || || 1973|| ||Dzienniki Ustaw 1920-2006, kodeksy, Konstytucja || Laws, Constitution || 6970|| ||Transkrypcje obrad Sejmu 1-4 kadencji || The Sejm proceedings transcripts||62642|| ||Transkrypcje obrad Senatu 2-7 kadencji || The Senate proceedings transcripts || 24979|| || '''total''' || '''razem''' || '''99281'''|| Download: [[attachment:5SCAL-free.tar]] == Wikipedia subcorpus == This subcorpus consists of Wikipedia articles and is available on the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Copyrights|Wikipedia license]]. Contents: * 634 000 Wikipedia articles, * divided into 634 parts, 1000 articles each, * 140 827 553 segments (words) in total. Download: [[attachment:nkjp-wikipedia.tar.gz]]