This page offers the official Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License release of the MentionDetector, a tool for performing mention detection for coreference resolution. By downloading the MentionDetector package you accept the conditions of that licence.
Principal developer: Mateusz Kopeć
Author: Mateusz Kopeć
License: CC BY v.3
You may check out the source code from git repository.
The manual and description of MentionDetector is available here.
If you want to use MentionDetector as Maven dependency, in your pom.xml file:
- add repository information:
- and dependency information:
Online demo
Multiservice offers an online demo of MentionDetector. You need to select a chain of preprocessing actions before adding MentionDetector as the last component. For example, try: Concraft, Spejd, Nerf, MentionDetector.
You may also want to see other Polish Coreference Tools.
When using MentionDetector, you may cite the following article, which describes zero mention detection algorithm: