

This page offers the official GNU GPL 3.0 License release of Nicolas - a java coreference-based summarization tool, which creation was cofunded by the European Union from resources of the European Social Fund -- Project PO KL „Information technologies: Research and their interdisciplinary applications”. By downloading the package you accept the conditions of that licence.

Contact person: Mateusz Kopeć
Authors: Mateusz Kopeć
License: GNU GPL 3.0



You may check out the source code of the main Nicolas library from git repository.

Training/Evaluation resources


To see Nicolas in action on your own text, you have 3 options: try it online in Multiservice, use command-line Java application or install Chrome extension for summarizing interia.pl news portal.

Command-line application

Download the application from here: Nicolas command-line application (jar)

Then, execute java -jar nicolas-cli.jar --help to see command line options.

Online demo

Multiservice offers an online demo of Nicolas. You need to select a chain of preprocessing actions before adding Nicolas as the last component. For example, try predefined chain of: Concraft, Spejd, Nerf, MentionDetector, Bartek, NicolasSummarizer. After processing is finished, select the "Summary" tab.

Source code of the service is available in Multiservice git repository, folder subservices/java/NicolasSummarizerService.

Google Chrome extension

Extension allows to summarize articles at main page of interia.pl news portal by right-clicking them at the main page. After the summary (done by Multiservice) is ready, a blue dot will appear near article title. Hover over the article title to see the summary as popup.

Download the extension here: NewsSummarizer.

Source code of the extension is available in Multiservice Clients git repository.

Other info

You may also want to see Polish Summaries Corpus and Polish Coreference Tools.

last edited 2021-04-22 17:48:18 by MaciejOgrodniczuk