#acl +All:read Default = Polish Coreference Tools = This page describes the tools created as part of the [[CORE]] project. == Mention detection == * [[MentionDetector||Mention Detector]] – mention detection tool == Coreference resolution == * [[Ruler|Ruler]] – a rule-based coreference resolution tool * [[Bartek|Bartek]] – a statistical coreference resolution tool == Evaluation == * [[Scoreference|Scoreference]] – a mention detection and coreference resolution evaluation tool == Coreference annotation == * [[DistSys|DistSys]] – a distribution system for texts for any kind of manual annotation * [[MMAX4CORE|MMAX4CORE]] – a modified version of the MMAX2 annotation tools, adjusted for the needs of the CORE project == Converters == * [[PCCConverters|PCC converters]] – a suite of converters between data formats used in [[CORE]] project == Visualization == * [[brat4core|brat4core]] – a modified version of [[http://brat.nlplab.org|brat annotation environment]], tailored for visualization of coreference in PCC. == Other == * [[TextSelector|Text Selector]] – tool for manual text inspection and selection == Citing == When using Polish Coreference Tools, please cite our book on coreference: <> You may also want to see [[PolishCoreferenceCorpus|Polish Coreference Corpus site]].