#acl +All:read Default = Polish Political Ontology / Polska Ontologia Polityczna = The Polish Political Ontology (PPO) is an RDF resource modelling the Polish political scene on national level covering the first 25 years of the Polish Third Republic (years 1989-2014). It includes significant actors based in Polish political and other public institutions – most importantly: legislative, executive and judiciary (members of government, deputies and juries). == Data sources == The basic structure of the Polish political ontology follows the [[attachment:ppo.owl|POL ontology]] from the federated TMO suite – please see the [[http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2014/pdf/115_Paper.pdf|LREC paper]] for details. The instance data were retrieved from: * the database of all Polish MPs from 1991 until 2014 received from Polish Sejm * [[http://katalog.nukat.edu.pl/lib/item?id=chamo:3293977|Paweł Kaleta's book]] on the Polish structure (previous edition, dated 2010) * [[http://www.money.pl/gospodarka/politycy/|Money.pl portal data]] about Polish MPs * information about Members of Europarliament retrieved from Wikipedia, see e.g. [[http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polscy_pos%C5%82owie_do_Parlamentu_Europejskiego_2004-2009|2004-09 cadency]] * manual update of data. == The ontology == [[attachment:ppo.owl|The Polish Political Ontology]] can be viewed e.g. with [[http://protege.stanford.edu/download/protege/4.3/installanywhere/Web_Installers/|Protege 4.3.0]]. == Acknowledgements == The Polish Political Ontology was created in scope of the [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/TrendMiner|TrendMiner]] project co-financed by the European Commission from the FP7 programme (grant agreement number 287863) and from the Polish Ministry of Science support programme (grant agreement number 3177/7.PR/2014/2).