
Polish Political Twitter Accounts

The Polish Political Twitter Account List is a resource gathering verified accounts of causative and opinion-forming actors from the Polish political scene (politicians, parties, NGOs, journalists). It currently contains 766 accounts.

Data sources

The initial version of the list combined the following available component resources:

The list was supplemented with accounts automatically retrieved from Twitter and then manually verified by experts:

The list


The file is TAB-separated. First column contains Twitter ID of a user, second column his/her Twitter username.


Polish Political Ontology was created in scope of the TrendMiner project co-financed by the European Commission from the FP7 programme (grant agreement number 287863) and from the Polish Ministry of Science support programme (grant agreement number 3177/7.PR/2014/2).

last edited 2019-03-03 12:38:51 by MaciejOgrodniczuk