#acl +All:read Default = Polish Political Twitter Accounts = The Polish Political Twitter Account List is a resource gathering verified accounts of causative and opinion-forming actors from the Polish political scene (politicians, parties, NGOs, journalists). It currently contains 766 accounts. == Data sources == The initial version of the list combined the following available component resources: * [[https://twitter.com/socjokracja/politycy/members|a list of political Twitter accounts by Mateusz Puszczyński]] * [[http://www.holdys.pl/polskitwitter/|a list of Polish Twitter accounts (political section) by Klub Chwila]] * [[http://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/top50-polskich-politykow-na-twitterze-palikot-sikorski-i-tusk-na-czele|TOP 50 Twitter political account list by wirtualnemedia.pl]] * [[http://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/kuzniar-piasecki-i-sekielski-liderami-dziennikarskiego-twittera-najaktywniejsi-janecki-warzecha-i-pereira-top50|TOP 50 Twitter political journalist accounts by wirtualnemedia.pl]] * [[http://epf.org.pl/app/webroot/api/dane/|data offered by ePaństwo Foundation]]. The list was supplemented with accounts automatically retrieved from Twitter and then manually verified by experts: * based on the entries from the [[PolishPoliticalOntology|Polish Political Ontology]] all Twitter accounts compatible with the first name-surname pattern were collected * for every candidate account every friend and follower of the account was retrieved * the list was filtered using the methodology of the self-confirming structure, i.e. by tracking only accounts followed by verified accounts and being followers and friends of verified accounts of the largest Polish political parties * finally the remaining candidate accounts were manually verified and all inactive accounts (by people who did not publish any tweets retrievable by Twitter API) were removed. == The list == [[attachment:user_list.txt|| The list]] The file is TAB-separated. First column contains Twitter ID of a user, second column his/her Twitter username. == Acknowledgements == [[PolishPoliticalOntology|Polish Political Ontology]] was created in scope of the [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/TrendMiner|TrendMiner]] project co-financed by the European Commission from the FP7 programme (grant agreement number 287863) and from the Polish Ministry of Science support programme (grant agreement number 3177/7.PR/2014/2).