
Prolexbase 2.0 and 2.2

Prolexbase 2.0 and 2.2 is a multilingual relational dictionary of proper names, conceived initially at the University of Tours, France and at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and further developed at the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPIPAN). It contains a language-independent typology of proper names with 4 supertypes and 34 types, as well as various language-independent or language-specific relations (synonymy, meronymy accessibility, variation etc.). A pivot-oriented design of concepts yields alignment of proper names in a language with their counterparts if other languages. A large majority of the data have been extracted from Wikipedia and GeoNames. All data have been manually validated.

Prolexbase creation has been supported by the following projects:

The construction and contents of Prolexbase have been described in:

Prolexbase 2.0 and 2.2 contains the following interlinked data:

See also Prolexbase on CNRTL for a proofread version (2.2), serialized in an LMF standard format.




All Prolexbase 2.0 data are available under the CC BY-SA license, i.e. the same as for Wikipedia and GeoNames. The Prolexbase 2.2 data are available under the LGPL-LR license.

Available resources

For version 2.2

For version 2.0

Future work

last edited 2015-02-11 19:37:25 by AgataSavary