#acl SebastianZurowski:read,write,revert,delete,admin All:read = Sebastian Żurowski = == Contact information == ||'''Address:''' ||Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences || || ||Jana Kazimierza 5|| || ||01-248 Warszawa|| || ||Poland || ||'''E-mail:''' ||<> || == Projects == * [[http://www.clarin-pl.eu/|CLARIN-PL]] (Polish chapter of [[http://www.clarin.eu/|Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure]]) == Past Projects == * [[NEKST|NEKST]] (An adaptive system to support problem-solving on the basis of document collections in the Internet) * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/CORE|CORE]] * [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/CESAR|CESAR]] * [[Construction of a treebank for Polish using automatic syntactic analysis|Construction of a treebank for Polish using automatic syntactic analysis]], * [[NKJP|NKJP]] (National Corpus of Polish) == Selected publications == <>