Polish Dependency Relation Types

The following description of Polish dependency relation types is based on the article `Polish Dependency Bank' (Wróblewska, 2012). <<TableOfContents: execution failed [list index out of range] (see also the log)>>


comp (complement)

comp_fin (clausal complement)

comp_inf (infinitival complement)

obj (object)

obj_th (dative object)

pd (predicative complement)

subj (subject)



app (apposition)

complm (complementizer)

mwe (multiword expression)

pred (predicate)

punct (punctuation marker)

abbrev_punct (abbreviation marker)

Non-arguments (morphologicaly motivated)

aglt (mobile inflection)

aux (auxiliary)

cond (conditional clitic)

imp (imperative marker)

neg (negation marker)

refl (reflexive marker)


conjunct (coordinated conjunct)

coord (coordinating conjunction)

coord_punct (punctuation conjunction)

pre_coord (pre-conjunction)

Classification of Polish Dependency Types

Standard vs. Language-specific Polish Dependency Types

Any questions, comments? Please send them to <alina AT SPAMFREE ipipan DOT waw DOT pl>.