#acl AlinaWroblewska:read,write,revert All:read = Polish Dependency Relation Types = The following description of Polish dependency relation types is based on the article [[http://elanguage.net/journals/index.php/lilt/article/view/2684|`Polish Dependency Bank']] (Wróblewska, 2012). <> == Arguments == === comp (complement) === * adjectival complements – governed by a verb form, e.g. uczynić kogoś silnym,,ADJ,, (Eng. ‘to make so. strong’), * adverbial complements – governed by a verb form, e.g. zeskoczyć skądś,,ADV,, (Eng. ‘to jump from somewhere’), * nominal complements – governed by: * an adjective, e.g. pełny mleka,,GEN,, (Eng. ‘full of milk’), * a preposition, e.g. w domu,,LOC,, (Eng. ‘at home’), * a verb form, e.g. zakończyć się sukcesem,,INSTR,, (Eng. ‘to be successful’). * a numeral, e.g. kilka,,NOM,, tygodni,,GEN,, (Eng. ‘a few weeks’). {{attachment:ex16.png}} * prepositional complements – governed by: * a verb form, e.g. czekać na (Eng. ‘to wait for’), * an adjective, e.g. zdolny do (Eng. ‘able to, capable of’), * an adverb, e.g. właśnie przez (Eng. ‘just by’). {{attachment:ex21.png}} === comp_fin (clausal complement) === * fulfilled by a finite clause (declarative, interrogative, or exclamatory) with an internal subject, * governed by a verb form, a subordinating conjunction or a noun. {{attachment:ex1_v3.png}} === comp_inf (infinitival complement) === * realized as a non-finite clause, * governed by: * a noun phrase, e.g. (mieć) prawo coś zrobić (Eng. ‘(to have) the right to do sth’), * a verb form, e.g. chcieć coś zrobić (Eng. ‘to want to do sth’), trzeba coś zrobić (Eng. ‘it’s necessary to do sth’), * an adjective phrase. {{attachment:ex2_v2.png}} === obj (object) === * realized as a noun phrase marked for the accusative, genitive, instrumental or even dative case, * governed by a verb form, * transformed into the subject in passive constructions. {{attachment:ex4.png}} === obj_th (dative object) === * fulfilled by a dative noun phrase, * governed by a verb form, * must fulfil the semantic role of Recipient, Experiencer, Beneficiary, etc., * cannot be promoted to the subject during passivisation or change its status to the object. {{attachment:ex5.png}} === pd (predicative complement) === * fulfilled by any element in the predicative position in a sentence, * governed by copula or copula-like verb forms, e.g. być (Eng. ‘to be’), stać się (Eng. ‘to become’). {{attachment:ex6.png}} === subj (subject) === * subcategorised by the sentence predicate, * fulfilled by a noun phrase, a clause, an adjective phrase, a numeral phrase or a pro-drop pronoun, * ''pro'' is not encoded in a dependency structure. {{attachment:ex7.png}} {{attachment:ex22.png}} == Non-arguments == === adjunct === * a non-subcategorised dependent with the modifying function, * realized as: * an adjective depending on a noun or a numeral, * an adverb depending on a verb form, an another adverb, * an adjective or a prepositional phrase, * an attributive noun marked for genitive with a nominal or numeral head, * a noun phrase with the temporal, locative, etc. meaning and a verbal head, * a prepositional phrase depending on a noun, a verb, an adverb or a participle, * a subordinate clause with a head realized as a noun, a numeral or a verb form, * ... === app (apposition) === * realized as a noun phrase depending on an immediately preceding noun with the same meaning. {{attachment:ex8.png}} === complm (complementizer) === * fulfilled by a complementizer, e.g. że, iż (Eng. ‘that’), żeby, aby, by (Eng. ‘so as to’), * introduces a complement clause, the predicate of which is its governor, * may be realized optionally. {{attachment:ex3.png}} === mwe (multiword expression) === * Successive tokens of a multiword expression are annotated according to their linear order. * Polish multiword expressions: * preposition-adjectival phrases, e.g. po prostu,,ADJ,, (Eng. ‘simply’), co gorsza,,ADJ,, (Eng. ‘what is worse’), * preposition-adverbial phrases, e.g. na pewno,,ADV,, (Eng. ‘for sure’), na zewnątrz,,ADV,, (Eng. ‘outside’), * adverb-prepositional phrases, e.g. wraz z (Eng. ‘along with’), zgodnie z (Eng. ‘in accordance with’), * complex conjunctions, e.g. nie tylko (Eng. ‘not only’), ale także (Eng. ‘but also’), mimo że (Eng. ‘although’), * adjective compounds, e.g. biało-czerwona (Eng. ‘white-red’). === pred (predicate) === * fulfilled by a verb form (finite verb, -no/-to-impersonal, infinitive) or a ‘main’ noun in independently annotated noun phrases, * depends on the root node. === punct (punctuation marker) === * fulfilled by a punctuation mark, e.g. .,:;?!()”-, * depends on the element which it delimits === abbrev_punct (abbreviation marker) === * fulfilled by a full stop, * depends on the preceding abbreviation. == Non-arguments (morphologicaly motivated) == === aglt (mobile inflection) === * fulfilled by a `mobile’ affix (verbal enclitic) marked for number, person and gender, * depends on a verb form or a conditional clitic by appended to a verb form. {{attachment:ex9.png}} === aux (auxiliary) === * fulfilled by auxiliary verbs być or zostać (Eng. ‘to be’), * depends on the main verb form (participle, infinitive) in analytical future tense constructions, analytical past conditional constructions or passive constructions. {{attachment:ex10.png}} === cond (conditional clitic) === * fulfilled by the clitic particle ''by'', which is appended to the verb form or appears anywhere in a sentence, * depends on the verbal head regardless of its location. {{attachment:ex11.png}} === imp (imperative marker) === * fulfilled by the particle niech (Eng. ‘may’), * depends on the main verb form in analytical imperative constructions. {{attachment:ex12.png}} === neg (negation marker) === * fulfilled by the negation particle nie (Eng. `not’), * depends on a verbal head immediately following it. === refl (reflexive marker) === * realized as the particle się in Polish, * depends on a verb with reflexive meaning or another verb. == Coordination == === conjunct (coordinated conjunct) === * depends on a coordinating conjunction. === coord (coordinating conjunction) === * coordinates two sentences. === coord_punct (punctuation conjunction) === * coordinating element realized as a punctuation mark, e.g. comma, colon. === pre_coord (pre-conjunction) === * the first part of a two-part correlative conjunction, e.g. albo...albo... (Eng. ‘either... or...’), * depends on the second part of the conjunction. {{attachment:ex13.png}} {{attachment:ex20.png}} = Classification of Polish Dependency Types = = Standard vs. Language-specific Polish Dependency Types = Any questions, comments? Please send them to <>.