#acl +All:read Default = Slowal = This page provides the official release of Slowal, a web tool designed for creating, editing and browsing valence dictionaries. So far, it has mainly been used for creating [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Walenty|The Polish Valence Dictionary (Walenty)]]. Slowal supports the process of creating the dictionary; it also facilitates access by making it possible to browse the dictionary using an advanced built-in filtering system, covering both syntactic and semantic phenomena. Slowal also gives control over the work of lexicographers involved in creating dictionary, for instance by using predefined lists of values, which prevents spelling errors and enforces consistency, as well as by imposing strict validation rules. Last but not least, the created dictionary can be exported from Slowal in various formats: plain text, TeX, PDF, and [[http://www.tei-c.org/index.xml|TEI XML]]. '''Developers:''' <
> * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/BartlomiejNiton|Bartłomiej Nitoń]] <
> * [[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/TomaszBartosiak|Tomasz Bartosiak]] <
> '''License:''' BSD 2-Clause License {{{#!wiki comment == Download == The most current version of Slowal, together with installation instructions, can be cloned from git repository using the following command: git clone http://git.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/walenty/Slowal.git }}} {{{#!wiki comment == Documentation == Instructions for each group of users can be downloaded in the Polish language from the following links: * [[attachment:Guest_Instruction_2014_06.pdf|Guest Instruction]]; <
> * [[attachment:Lexicographer_Instruction_2014_06.pdf|Lexicographer Instruction]]; <
> * [[attachment:Superlexicographer_Instruction_2014_01.pdf|Superlexicographer Instruction]]. <
> Overview of functionalities is presented on the poster from [[http://hltdays.ipipan.waw.pl/|the HLT Days 2012]]: [[http://hltdays.ipipan.waw.pl/pdf/tool-for-creating-the-polish-valence-dictionary.pdf|"A tool for creating a Polish Valence Dictionary"]]. }}} == Working applications == * http://walenty.ipipan.waw.pl/ - main instance <
> * http://walenty.clarin-pl.eu/ - [[http://clip.ipipan.waw.pl/CLARIN-PL|CLARIN-PL]] instance <
> == Related web pages == http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/Walenty – the official website of the Polish Valence Dictionary (Walenty). == Publications == <>