This page offers the official Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License release of the manual summary annotation tools. By downloading the tools packages you accept the conditions of that licence.
Author: Mateusz Kopeć
License: CC BY v.3
Tools description
A set of 4 similar desktop applications for summary annotation. These 4 applications facilitate manual annotation of clauses, extract (unconstrained) summaries, extract clause-grained summaries and abstract summaries. Tools in the package:
Clause Annotator (ClauseAnnotator)
Clause Summmary Annotator (ClauseSumAnnotator)
Abstract Summary Annotator (AbsSumAnnotator)
Extract Summary Annotator (ExtrSumAnnotator)
The most current version of the tools may be found in the github repository.
When using Summary Annotation Tools, please cite the following article: