This is an official homepage of TaCo - a statistical morphosyntactic tagset converter designed for positional tagsets, especially Polish tagsets. It is available under the GNU General Public License v3 and by downloading the TaCo package you accept the conditions of that licence.
Author: Bartosz Zaborowski <bartosz DOT zaborowski AT SPAMFREE ipipan DOT waw DOT pl>,
License: GPL v.3
Readme file of the current version, in English readme.pdf
You can download the current version of TaCo here: taco-0.1.tar.gz
A local copy of one of prerequisites, the C5.0 Release 2.07 GPL Edition (TaCo requieres exactly this version) is here: C50.tgz
If you have any problems with tool installation or usage, please send report to the author.