#format wiki #language en #acl +All:read Default = brat4core = This page offers the official [[http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php|MIT license]] release of the brat4core, a modified version of [[http://brat.nlplab.org|brat annotation environment]], tailored for visualization of coreference in [[PolishCoreferenceCorpus|Polish Coreference Corpus]]. By downloading the brat4core package you accept the conditions of that licence. '''Principal developer:''' [[MateuszKopec|Mateusz Kopeć]]<
> '''Authors:''' [[MateuszKopec|Mateusz Kopeć]]<
> '''License:''' [[http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php|MIT license]] == Downloads == brat4core 1.0 is available to download: * [[attachment:brat4core.zip| zip archive]] brat4core is modified on basis of v1.3 Crunchy Frog (2012-11-08) of the brat tool. You may also want to see [[PolishCoreferenceTools|other Polish Coreference Tools]]. == Citing == When using brat4core, please cite the following article: <>