#acl +All:read Default = plWikiEcono = A corpus of Polish Wikipedia articles from the domain of economy. The corpus has been created by selecting economy-related categories from the Polish Wikipedia, including economy-related subcategories, downloading all articles from such a list of categories, stripping Wikipedia annotation, tagging the result with TaKIPI 1.8 and converting it to TEI format. The articles were downloaded from Wikipedia in April 2011. * [[attachment:wikipedia-econo-tei.7z|Full corpus (TEI format)]] * [[attachment:wikipedia-econo-tei-senses.7z|A part of the corpus, which has been manually sense-annotated (TEI format)]] * [[attachment:wikipedia-econo-tei-senses-wsdde.7z|A part of the corpus, which has been manually sense-annotated (WSDDE format)]] Wikipedia's text content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). ''(Downloaded, processed and made available by Łukasz Kobyliński ([[http://zil.ipipan.waw.pl/LukaszKobylinski|www]])''