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ATLAS project

Project factsheet

English name:

Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS

Project type:

A European (CIP ICT-PSP) project (grant agreement 250467)


1 March 2010 ‒ 28 February 2013

More information:

Principal investigator:

Anelia Belogay

Polish participation

Polish name:

Technologia dla systemów zarządzania treścią wspomaganych lingwistycznie


A Ministry of Science and Higher Education support for the Polish participation in the project

Principal investigator:

Adam Przepiórkowski


Linguistic Engineering Group, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences

Project description

The advent of the Web revolutionized the way in which content is manipulated and delivered. As a result, digital content in various languages has become widely available on the Internet and its sheer volume and language diversity have presented an opportunity for embracing new methods and tools for content creation and distribution. Although significant improvements have been made lately in the field of web content management, there is still a growing demand for online content services that incorporate language-based technology. Mechanisms such as automatic annotation of important words, phrases and names, text summarization and categorization, and computer-aided translation could facilitate the process of manipulating heterogeneous multilingual content as well as enhance end-user experience by allowing for better content navigation. This project unifies such mechanisms in a common software platform called ATLAS and builds three separate solutions around this platform. The first solution, i Publisher, adds a visualization layer to ATLAS and provides a powerful web-based instrument for creating, running and managing small and enterprise content-driven web sites. i Publisher will be freely available as an online service and also used by the consortium to build two thematic content-driven web sites – i Librarian and EUDocLib. i Librarian allows its users to store, organize and publish their personal works, to locate similar documents in different languages, and to obtain easily the most essential texts from large collections of unfamiliar documents. EUDocLib is a publicly accessible repository of EU documents, which provides enhanced navigation and easier access to relevant documents in the user's language.