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This page offers the official GNU General Public License release of Anotatornia, a tool for the manual on-line annotation of corpora at various linguistic levels. The levels currently implemented are: word-level and sentence-level segmentation, morphosyntax, word sense disambiguation. Anotatornia implements sophisticated mechanisms of the management of texts, annotators and conflicts.

Author: Grzegorz Murzynowski <natror AT SPAMFREE o2 DOT pl>
Support: Michał Lenart <michal DOT lenart AT SPAMFREE ipipan DOT waw DOT pl>
License: GPL v.3


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List of publications

Adam Przepiórkowski and Grzegorz Murzynowski. Manual annotation of the National Corpus of Polish with Anotatornia. In Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski, editor, Explorations across Languages and Corpora: PALC 2009, pages 95–103, Frankfurt am Main, 2011. Peter Lang.

Elżbieta Hajnicz, Grzegorz Murzynowski, and Marcin Woliński. ANOTATORNIA – lingwistyczna baza danych. In Materiały V konferencji naukowej InfoBazy 2008, Systemy * Aplikacje * Usługi, pages 168–173, Sopot, 2008. Centrum Informatyczne TASK, Politechnika Gdańska.