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CLARIN project

Project factsheet

English name:

Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure

Polish name:

Wspólne zasoby językowe i infrastruktura technologiczna

Project type:

A European (ESFRI) infrastructure project, FP7 (contract number 212230)


1 January 2008 ‒ 31 December 2010 (plus 6 months extension)

Extended information:

Project Web page:

Principal investigator:

Steven Krauwer

Polish partners in the consortium

Polish members of the CLARIN network

The two partners listed above and:

See also CLARIN-PL.

Project description

The ultimate goal of CLARIN is the construction and operation of a shared distributed infrastructure that aims at making language resources and technology available to the humanities and social sciences research communities at large. The preparatory phase will pave the way for implementation along 4 dimensions: Funding and governance: The aim is to bring together the funding agencies and to work out a ready-to-sign draft agreement between the funding agencies in the participating countries about governance, financing, construction and operation of the infrastructure. Technical: The technical objective is to provide a detailed specification of the infrastructure, agreement on data and interoperability standards to be adopted, and a running, validated prototype based on these specifications.