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NKJP tools

This page contains various tools related to NKJP like parsers, converters, validators etc.

  • validateNKJP-2012-04-12-1640.tar.gz - validation tool for NKJP-compatible TEI P5 directories (described here: Latest version at: svn://

  • tei2pml-2012-04-12-1648.jar - converter of ann_named.xml, ann_groups.xml and ann_words.xml from TEI P5 format to PML (so it can be manually corrected using Tred). Latest version can be found in subversion repository at svn://

  • pml2tei-2012-04-12-1701.tar.gz - converter from PML to TEI P5 format (words, groups, names). Sources also at svn://

  • TeiAPI - Java API for parsing, manipulating and writing NKJP-compatible TEI P5 directories.