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Polish Political Ontology / Polska Ontologia Polityczna

The Polish Political Ontology (PPO) is an RDF resource modelling the Polish political scene on national level covering the first 25 years of the Polish Third Republic (years 1989-2014). It includes significant actors based in Polish political and other public institutions – most importantly: legislative, executive and judiciary (members of government, deputies and juries).

Data sources

The basic structure of the Polish political ontology follows the POL ontology from the federated TMO suite – please see the LREC paper for details.

The instance data were retrieved from:

  • the database of all Polish MPs from 1991 until 2014 received from Polish Sejm
  • Paweł Kaleta's book on the Polish structure (previous edition, dated 2010)

  • portal data about Polish MPs

  • information about Members of Europarliament retrieved from Wikipedia, see e.g. 2004-09 cadency

  • manual update of data.

The ontology

The Polish Political Ontology can be viewed e.g. with Protege 4.3.0.


The Polish Political Ontology was created in scope of the TrendMiner project co-financed by the European Commission from the FP7 programme (grant agreement number 287863) and from the Polish Ministry of Science support programme (grant agreement number 3177/7.PR/2014/2).