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Syntatic-generative dictionary of Polish verbs

Syntatic-generative dictionary of Polish verbs (Słownik syntaktyczno-generatywny czasowników polskich) by Kazimierz Polański is probably the most extensive existing source of valence information on Polish verbs (10559 entries). The dictionary has been published in 5 volumes which appeared between 1980 and 1992. Its computer implementation in the form of a MS Access database was created around 2000.

Licence information

The dictionary is available under Creative Commons – Attribution - Noncommercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) licence.


WARNING There were numerous errors and inconsistencies in MS Access format so some of the schemata were not machine-readable and could not be converted into TEI format. Almost 250 entries had to be ignored. Some entries are missing semantic attributes (some of them were also broken in the original format)
